"To the world you may be one person...but to one person you may be the world..."

About Me

I grew up in a village of 500 people and now live in a beach town of 10 000. Wife to Jeff, Mama to Makenna and Jack. This is my place to share what's up with us, and the place where I sometimes need to pour my heart out about the not so sunshiney moments. This is my happy place. Thanks for stopping by :) Copyright 2012 by Melissa Wormington, that no part of this blog may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, without permission from the publisher.
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The Wormingtons

The Wormingtons
Jeff, Makenna, Jack and Melissa. Spring 2012. Photo credit: Tricia Denomme/Hope Photography

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Updates to previous posts...

Some cool (yet everyday boring...but still cool) stuff happened this week...

First, remember when I told you about Yak?
I got my first bill this week...

Maybe a bit hard to see...but my first month with Yak and my long distance charges were a grand total of $4.26.

Yay. Goodbye $18.95 flat fee from my previous long distance provider.

I also recieved my P&G Sample packs in the mail this week. This is the one that was specifically for men:

A razor, body wash, deodorant and a couple after shave products.

And then the general one:

An Air Freshener, a mail in rebate for a free refill for that air freshener (came with a refill too), Pringles samples, make up samples, travel sized Puffs tissues, Scope, Herbal Essences and Head and Shoulders, Cascade for the Dishwasher and Crest whitestrips samples.

All for free! I believe I have one more package coming - the one specifically for Costco members.

Also this week, I spoke with 2 "Brides to Be" about providing desserts to their weddings.. 1 requested individual sized cheesecakes, and 1 requested chocolate chip cookie dough truffles...450 of them.

And...a potentially life changing moment this week....

Jeff and I joined the Blackberry Club.

Lovin it so far!