I decided to write a blogpost about insurance.
The different types, what they mean and don't mean, what to watch out for, how to read between the lines, etc.
I quickly realized though, that I don't know enough about it to write something and put it out there and have people read it as "fact"...I am not comfortable enough in my own knowledge to do that.
But I know someone who is....:)
I spoke with a contact of mine who worked in the insurance field for many years. Sold policies and dealt with claims everyday. Since this tornado she has been helping a number of people in Goderich understand what they have and don't have, and guiding them on how to communicate effectively with their insurance agents to get what they feel they deserve.
Friends and I were talking and all agreed there should be a class given to help you understand your policy, and what the alternative options to your policy are. What you may be missing.
Because, be honest...before August 21 2011 how many of you had ever read your policy, much less understood it?
My contact agreed, and asked me to find out how much interest there would be if such a class was held.
So here I am.
If you would be interested in attending such a class, please leave a comment. The exact agenda of the class wouldn't be up to me, but you could certainly leave suggestions here as to what it is you would want covered. I definitely plan to be there myself, but will not be leading it. The leader is an expert in insurance. I am not.
Location, Date, Time, etc is all TBA...we just want to gauge the interest level first.
Please please please pas this along to ANYONE you think would be interested, and if you ARE interested, leave a comment saying so!
Thanks so much.
Make Pretty Paper DIY Daffodils
19 hours ago
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