I love you...
Baking. I really do. It soothes me. Makes me happy.
"Me" time. Jeff was away overnight last night and so after the kids were in bed, I had the house to myself. Some people don't like that, especially overnight...but I don't mind it. Last night after baking 4 cheesecakes, which I enjoyed doing, I sat down at the computer and ended up chatting with a friend for over 2 hours...completely guilt free. I accomplished nothing around the house, but that's fine. I sat, sipped wine and shared stories and laughter with a friend...it was like a girl's night...over facebook. And I make no apologies for that. Then, I got the bed to myself. :)
The Beach. Once Jeff returned home today and had a little nap, we all went to the beach for the afternoon. We aren't used to the beach on the weekend, we usually don't go then because it is so busy, but we had fun. Makenna is such a fish, she would stay in any body of water all day, and loved swimming in the lake. We live at the lake and this was the first time all summer, today, August 29, that we had actually been in the water. We sat in our chairs under our umbrella and ate ice cream right before dinner, we played in the sand and watched the kids on the climbers. I intentionally left the camera at home, so i could just enjoy it. It was such a beautiful day to be at the beach. My kids don't know how lucky they are to live in a beach town, where we can just go down for a couple hours on a whim. When Jeff and I were kids it was 45 minutes away and took way too much planning, and stuff, to spend a simple day at the beach. But I always loved the moment, driving up County Rd 25, when we could finally see the water on the horizon.
I love you not...
Back to school shopping.
All I was after was shoes for Makenna.
And that's all I got, but oh, what a process.
"They're too tight...I don't like them...I don't like that colour..."
Ugh. I seriously wanted to hand her the money and tell her to figure it out and meet me back at the truck.
But she's 5, so I couldn't.
Add Jack into the mix, who has no interest in shoe shopping and keeps yelling at me that he wants to go look at the toys, or wants to go home and I tell ya...
We finally decided on the mandatory 2 pairs of shoes and all was right with the world. Then we went to look at clothes, even though she doesn't need any and I wasn't buying any. I would hold various items up just to see what she liked and what she didn't...
"too pink...too woolly...too stripey...too many polka dots..." Too this. Too that.
No, she was too busy trying to convince me that she needed a TRAINING BRA to care about clothes. A training bra. She doesn't even know what they are (I asked her), And she's 5.
Good times ahead.
Make Pretty Paper DIY Daffodils
19 hours ago
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